The Hobbit: 10 Times Peter Jackson Ruined A Character

6. Kili's Efforts At Romance

Radagast Sylvester McCoy The Hobbit
Warner Brothers

Kili and most of the other dwarves don't receive a huge amount of character development in the books. We know Kili and Fili are the youngest and most naive, but they're also two of the bravest of Thorin's company. Their most defining moment comes in the final chapters when they die trying to defend the wounded body of their uncle Thorin - a great opportunity for a scene, that Jackson didn't take advantage of.

It was clear Jackson changed his mind about what role Kili would play in the movies, mid-production. If you look at his early prosthetic design, Kili was far more dwarfish, and far more... , ugly. You can even spot him with a larger noes and a more pronounce forehead in several shots in Bag End. But when the ill-advised romance with Tauriel got the green light, Jackson decided he needed a 'handsome dwarf', and Aidan Turner fit the bill.

From the second movie onwards Kili became a wise cracking ladies-dwarf, spewing out pick up lines as cheesy as: "I could have anything down my trousers" and as clichéd as: "You make me feel alive". It was a total drag.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.