The Hobbit: 20 Blunders That Ruined An Unexpected Journey

11. Goofy Humour

There's no denying the fact that The Hobbit is supposed to be a much lighter and less serious project than The Lord of the Rings, but this really feels like something Jackson was just totally tone-deaf on. All the comedy early on when the Dwarves crash Bilbo's home and raid his supplies feels overly tailored towards children (and yes, we know the book is aimed at children, but we mean really young children) without actually moving the story forward in any meaningful manner. The Dwarves' pantomime-like behaviour quickly becomes tiresome, and didn't in any help way help to capture the mood of the source material. There's no wit or intelligence to the jibes as compared to the novel, and the various jokes that were clearly aimed squarely at kids - such as Bilbo getting doused in troll snot and Radagast going all googly-eyed when he inhales some of Gandal's pipe weed, for instance - really just felt off the mark. I honestly would not have been surprised if someone broke out the custard pies and clown noses.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]