4. Thorin Is Too Sexy

Let's be honest, The Lord of the Rings had its fair share of hotties; there's Liv Tyler's gorgeous Arwen, Legolas with his immaculate hair, and Aragorn's rugged, brooding quality, and all of these made the trilogy a piece of cake to market. The Hobbit, however, isn't so lucky, given that the dwarves, mostly fat and unattractive as they are, are never exactly going to be modelling Calvin Klein, are they? Add to this an old wizard, a googly-eyed CGI creature, and Martin Freeman, and it doesn't exactly make for the most aesthetically pleasing line-up, not that this really matters to anyone with a brain. However, Jackson alters
one of the Dwarves in order to make him a little more appealing, and that's the leader, Thorin. Despite sharing much in common with his Dwarven brethren, he appears to have gotten the good share of the gene pool, given that his hair is better-conditioned, and his nose is a regular shape. Add to this a calming voice and handsome face, and it makes for a dreamboat anti-hero that will appeal to many women. In Tolkein's novel, it's a different story; Thorin is a bumbling oaf who couldn't lead kids to an ice cream van. Also, Jackson makes him out to be less greedy and more honourable than he was in the novel.