The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - 10 Characters We Can't Wait To See

1. Smaug

As though there were any other choice. This project reunites Sherlock's Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch €“ only instead of playing Holmes to Freeman's Watson, Cumberbatch will be voicing the great red-gold wyrm himself. Tolkien may not have created the concept of the great dragon sleeping on a bed of stolen gold, but he made it an icon more than any other voice in modern literature. In the decades since The Hobbit's publication, Smaug has become the prototypical dragon by which all others are measured. He's a hulking behemoth, a clever riddler, a braggart, greedy beyond measure, and his inflamed temper literally levels entire towns. When Guillermo Del Toro was originally set to direct the film adaptation, he talked about how he wanted to see WETA make the same leaps and bounds in animatronic technology for The Hobbit that they had for digital animation in The Lord of the Rings. And as a life-long fan of practical film wizards like Stan Winston, that sounded just dandy to me. Now that was several years and a director ago, but if there was ever a creature that demanded as many techniques as possible to bring it to life, it would be Smaug. Chances are we won't be seeing more than a glimpse or two of him (and those likely far-off during the ballad of the fall of the Lonely Mountain), but whether we catch sight of him in two months or two years, Smaug will surely be worth the wait. Disagree with these choices or think of any we missed? Feel free to sound off below in the comments!

Brendan Agnew has held jobs as a salesman, a fraud investigator, a credit card supervisor, and a teacher, but writing is always what's kept him sane. He's a life-long film/TV and literature enthusiast, a lover of interactive entertainment (that's a pretentious way of saying video games), and a full-time nerd. The only thing he enjoys more than immersing himself in all things nerdy is the opportunity to drag someone else in to the wide world of geekdom, kicking and screaming if necessary. If you don't think your daily feed is bloated enough already, you can follow him on Twitter: @BLCAgnew