The Hobbit Quiz: Bet You Can’t Name All These Characters

Do you know your Óins from your Glóins? This is the Tolkien quiz for you.

Hobbit Radagast Mccoy
Warner Bros. Pictures

It has now been more than six years since the last film in The Hobbit series, The Battle of the Five Armies, had its theatrical release and opinion on the films remains divided.

Some have grown to appreciate the different tone taken to the universally acclaimed Lord of the Rings films. Others have found rewatches to be increasingly more wince-inducing as time goes by.

The trilogy suffered from a unique set of criticisms, in that it was called out for having far too long a combined runtime (and number of instalments) for the actual core story being told, but conversely is condemned for not adequately fleshing out its characters.

We are going to put that particular critique to the test, by finding out just how well you know the characters within.

Prepare yourself for An Unexpected Journey as you try to remember which football team shares a name with the captain of the Lake-town Guard, and what that goddamn goblin’s name is.

Only true Hobbit fans will be able to score 100% on this quiz!

Answers at the end!

1. Who Is This?


Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.