The Hobbit: The 10 Most Important Films That Led To It Being Made

7. Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Hellboy If there is one moment in his back catalogue that led to Guillermero del Toro snaring the Hobbit job, then it will have been the troll market in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Set underneath New York City, the sequence showed off del Toro€™s love of puppetry and animatronics and, as well as being one of the film€™s stand out sequences, promising a visually unique retelling of The Hobbit. Early word was the writers were going for a blend of what had been done originally with the Ring€™s trilogy and the visual splendour of del Toro€™s back catalogue, such as the sumptuous Pan€™s Labyrinth. But the film€™s final impact ended up being something else entirely. If it hadn€™t been for del Toro€™s initial involvement, it€™s unlikely we€™d have got The Hobbit at all. Jackson was adamant he wouldn€™t return to Middle Earth and it was only del Toro€™s departure (the official word is that The Hobbit was stuck in development hell and he wanted to explore other projects) that led to him helming the new trilogy. However, the filmplaces lower on this list because although it was instrumental in the early stages, a lot of the promise of a practical effect based Middle Earth was squandered (see Avatar).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.