The Hobbit vs The Lord of the Rings
3. Orcs
When asked why he opted to render the orcs in An Unexpected Journey using only CGI, Jackson commented that it wasn't a revolutionary idea. Indeed, had the technology been available at the time, he even admitted that the orcs of The Lord of the Rings would have been digitally added as well.
However, though the technology is undoubtedly available, it does not necessarily mean it should be used. The success of The Fellowship of the Ring - and, in fact, the entire trilogy - lent itself in part to the authenticity of Jackson's interpretations. The realism of each orc's make-up and apparel garnered the film an Academy Award; which begs the question, where was the precedent for change?
In contrast, there are some who will argue that, through their use of the Black Speech, the orcs of An Unexpected Journey heighten Jackson's commitment to authenticity. Whilst this is very much true, it does not make up for their satisfactory appearance.
Winner - The Fellowship of the Ring