The JJ Abrams monster movie...
... known to most as CLOVERFIELD, is actually titled...
Cloverfield! That is the name of the movie that's been going under the name 1-18-08/Cloverfied/Untitled JJ Abrams Project for the past few months according to CHUD. The site caught the upcoming trailer for the movie (which will debut with Beowolf in theatres on November 16) and the final title card carried the name "Cloverfield". Here's the first part of CHUD's description:-
"It opens with text: Multiple sightings of case designate 'Cloverfield' Camera retrieved at incident site 'U.S. 447' (Area formerly known as Central Park) Then we see the footage from the teaser trailer, mostly fast forwarded up to the end, with the explosion and the Statue of Liberty's head landing in the middle of the street. Then there's a guy speaking into the camera.
Guy: My name is Robert Hawkins. Approximately seven hours ago, someTHING attacked the city."Of course, this could well be a placeholder and the film may be called something totally different but it's getting awful late in the game to be shifting things around. I was extremely excited about this film when the first trailer hit but now I just don't care. Sure, I'll see the film and it could well be a great ride, but JJ Abrams' refusal to release any substantial details on this film has me a bit irked. Is Abrams getting some kind of sexual kick out of not telling anyone about this movie and has their ever been a movie that hasn't had a title two months before release? Nevertheless, I do like Abrams' work but I hope that if Cloverfield is fiscally and critically successful that he doesn't do an "Apatow" and claim credit for it. After all, the director for the film is Matt Reeves and Drew Goddard is scripting while Abrams is only producing. source - chud