The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Scenes Actors HATED Shooting
6. The Entire Fellowship Was Sick Of Caradhras

One of the most pivotal moments in the Fellowship of the Ring came when the desperate company were forced to find an alternative root through the Misty Mountains. The decision would lead them to the Mines of Moria where they encountered a demon of the ancient world, the Balrog. It resulted in the gut-wrenching "death" of Gandalf the Grey.
Although the decision was perhaps unwise, the company was given no other choice. While trying to cross the snowy peaks of Caradhras, Saruman conjured a freezing snow storm to batter their route, effectively stopping them in their path. Watching that scene, no one could have blamed their decision - those hobbits looked as though they were about to die...
For obvious reasons Peter Jackson couldn't film the scene on location; health and safety would have had a field day. Instead the entire sequence was filmed in studio under glaring lights. The cast spent days wrapped in their winter costumes under the scorching heat of the studio lights.
What's more, the fake snow was made from an irritant substance that caused their eyes to itch and their skin to turn red. It certainly helped sell the scene though, non of the Fellowship looked particularly comfortable...