The Lord Of The Rings: 11 Dumb Moments Everyone Ignores

5. The Two Towers: Eowyn€™s Misplaced Affection Subplot

On the trip to Helm€™s Deep, Eowyn inquires about the jewel at Aragorn€™s throat. He is noncommittal about his answer, indicating that the woman (Arwen) who gave it to him is €œsailing away to the Undying Lands with her kin.€ We then go into flashbacks where Arwen gave Aragorn the jewel and where he tried to give it back, but she insisted it was a gift. A later scene shows that Theoden has noticed that Eowyn is falling for Aragorn, and tells her that he is happy for her. Eowyn is deeply distressed when Aragorn is lost during the battle with the Wargs, then overjoyed when he returns, but dashed just as quickly when Legolas returns Arwen€™s jewel to him. We as the audience know that despite his mild pretense about Arwen€™s whereabouts, Aragorn is pining for her and hopes against hope that they will one day be reunited. Why else would he be wearing her jewel, which is pretty much the Middle Earth equivalent of an engagement ring? To his credit, Aragorn tells Eowyn, €œI cannot give you what you seek.€ But the fact that he€™s wearing Arwen€™s jewel around his throat should have been a neon indicator that his heart belonged elsewhere.

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.