The Matrix Resurrections: 10 Biggest Questions It Leaves Unanswered

7. Why Didn't The Analyst Use His Bullet Time Powers More?

The Matrix Resurrections
Warner Bros.

Mid-way through the movie, the Analyst (Neil Patrick Harris) reveals that he has to ability to slow down time within the Matrix, an extraordinarily useful power which allows him to even out-manoeuvre Neo.

Why, then, does the Analyst use this power so sparingly throughout the film? He employs it briefly at the end, but like, couldn't that power be used to basically control Neo and Trinity forever more?

The obvious answer is "because movie," that the mechanics of the script and story simply require that he can't use the bullet time powers whenever he wants.

If you want to be charitable, though, you can perhaps assume that there's a field of influence for the power, and he can only enact it upon people within a certain radius, and perhaps only for a limited time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.