The Matrix Resurrections: 25 WTF Moments

24. Neo Creates The Matrix Video Game

The Matrix Resurrections
Warner Bros.

The first time we see Neo, it's revealed that he - as in, Thomas Anderson - is an award-winning video game developer within the new iteration of the Matrix, having created a trilogy of video games, The Matrix Trilogy in fact, based on his "dreams"/repressed memories from the events of the first three films.

Oh, and his business partner is a guy called Smith (Jonathan Groff) - as in, agent.

It's within this game that Neo has built the modal experiment, complete with a subconsciously implanted backdoor that would allow someone like Bugs to hack in, free Morpheus, and then help affect Neo's escape from the actual new, rebooted Matrix which he's living in now.

Hilariously Neo's company is even called "Deus Machina" - referring to the Deus Ex Machina/God from the Machine from The Matrix Revolutions. It's at this point that just about everybody watching realises this isn't gonna be some garden variety Matrix reboot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.