The Mummy 1999 Vs The Mummy 2017: Which Is Better?

11. The Hero

The Mummy Brendan Fraser Tom Cruise
Paramount & Universal

Brendan Fraser became a worldwide movie icon beyond any question with his charismatic performance as adventurer Rick O'Connell, and though his star power has drained considerably since the Mummy trilogy came to an end, Fraser was perfectly-cast as the wise-cracking and weirdly likeable a**hole protagonist.

Tom Cruise's casting as the lead of a Mummy reboot was instantly met with raised eyebrows from, well, just about everyone, and sadly it doesn't make that much more sense in the final movie. Much like Rick, Cruise's Nick Moran is meant to be something of a dick, which isn't really Cruise's forte, and the script doesn't even begin to take advantage of his charming persona.

Winner: This one's not even a contest, really. Cruise may be the better actor by a country mile, but Fraser was far better-cast and simply much more effective in the hero role.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.