The Mummy Review: 4 Ups & 7 Downs


7. Annabelle Wallis' Atrocious Performance

Annabelle Wallis The Mummy

The Mummy's release couldn't be timed much worse: a week after Wonder Woman presented one of the most compelling female leads in recent blockbuster memory, this film serves up one of the year's worst.

Even were the heroine and love interest Jenny Halsey played competently by a different actress, she'd still be a dull damsel-in-distress who doesn't do much besides shouting "Nick!" inecessantly, but Annabelle Wallis' outrageously wooden performance propels the character from inoffensively boring into horrendously bad territory.

Sure, Wallis doesn't get much to do, but her line readings are robotic and unnatural, and she's just not particularly charismatic or likeable here. Plus, she lacks agency for pretty much the entire movie and is constantly waiting on Tom Cruise to save her. Yawn.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.