The Predator: 18 WTF Moments
15. Casey Brackett: Action Biologist

There's a grand history of unexpected action heroes in movies - hell, Ellen Ripley is the archetypal unexpected bad-ass in the Alien films - so it's not unprecedented for biologist Casey Brackett (Munn) to suddenly become Jason Statham when she's put under pressure. But even Ripley had military training...
In contrast, Blackett is just a NASA-affiliaited biologist who loves animals more than humans, so her suddenly becoming Tomb Raider and screaming at the actual trained soldiers to "grow a dick" when faced with action is just mildly odd. It's amusing though, which is more than can be said of her "origin story."
For no fathomable reason, Black wrote a part into the script that reveals that as a child, Casey wrote to NASA asking them to get in touch with her if aliens landed on Earth. Because she then excelled at school and in her field, NASA apparently looked her up, found the letter and realised that was why she was the right woman to work on the Predator project. What the ACTUAL f*ck is that?!