The Single Best Thing In Every Star Wars Movie

10. Star Wars - The Clone Wars: The Voice Acting

Darth Maul

After seeing the first four episodes of the upcoming Clone Wars TV show, George Lucas decided to edit them into a feature film at the last minute. The result was, not counting the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, the worst Star Wars film ever made.

The animation is cheap, the banter is groan-worthy and the whole thing is a convoluted, anti-structural mess in which the film's TV roots are painfully clear throughout, so there's little to praise. Hell, even the debuting character of Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein), who has now become one of the most beloved Star Wars characters of them all, is very tiresome here.

Still, the main thing one can say in the film's favour is that the voice acting is absolutely solid across the board and best of all, the film sees Christopher Lee make a triumphant return to the role of Count Dooku. His turn was one of the only genuinely good ones in the Prequels and once again, he gives a commanding performance.

Lee is the stand-out, but the entire cast did a good job in spite of the terrible material. And hey, the subsequent TV show was absolutely smashing, so it's not like this film was a sign of things to come at all.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.