The Single Biggest Mistake Each MCU Film Has Made

19. Avengers: Infinity War: Under-Using Certain Characters

Marvel Studios

The Film:

A fantastic mix of hysterical comedy, brilliant action and resonant drama with arguably the best comic book movie villain ever further enhancing the film, Infinity War is a truly unforgettable epic.

Infinity War isn't perfect and there are a couple of distracting issues. There's the irritating Eitri subplot, which is basically the MCU's Canto Bight, but the biggest problem is that it doesn't do all the characters justice. It did feel like the balance leaned too much towards the Guardians and certain heroes were neglected.

The biggest casualties were Captain America and co. Captain America doesn't appear or even say very much throughout the film and neither does Black Widow or Falcon, which was a huge shame. Bucky Barnes is also under-used even though Black Panther hinted important things were about to come for him.

Speaking of Black Panther, Wakanda and its many great characters generally seemed left-out, which was a big shame since Wakanda is awesome.

Bruce Banner was also mishandled, since he doesn't spend enough time as the Hulk and he's the center of too much goofy humor which worked in Thor: Ragnarok but undermines his character here.

The absences of several characters, Valkyrie and Korg especially, were also incredibly jarring. It was inevitable that the film couldn't do justice to all the characters, but it did let down some of the best MCU heroes.


Keep more of the characters together and don't focus quite so much on the Guardians.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.