The Single Biggest Mistake Each MCU Film Has Made

1. Thor: The Dark World: The Terrible Script

Marvel Studios

The Movie:

The worst MCU film by some distance, Thor: The Dark World has little to recommend it. A charisma-free, visually bland and utterly mechanical sequel that feels more like a soulless video game than a movie, this set a low-point for the MCU that no subsequent movie has come close to.

There's a lot wrong with this movie, but the root of most of these flaws is the film's godawful script.

The MCU has never had a worse script. It just feels like a random adventure hastily cobbled together in order to give Thor something to do between the two Avengers films.

With no hilarious jokes, memorable action, dramatic depth or meaningful character development, as well as possibly the worst, most chemistry-free romance in a franchise full of awful love stories, this is just a badly-written blockbuster through and through. Aside from Frigga's funeral and the Loki reveal at the end, it's all very forgettable.

Interestingly, it's a script which combines All the most common criticisms of the MCU into one movie. It's got no stakes, no risks, flat visuals, a terrible romance and an awful villain, so it's useful as a representation of all of this otherwise excellent franchise's worst qualities. Other than that, this is one useless movie.


There is no simple fix to something as underwhelming as Thor: The Dark World. The general moral of the story is to always try and put the same level of care into every entry in a franchise.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.