The Suicide Squad Cast Reveal - Predicting EVERY Character

17. Pete Davidson - Briscoe

Briscoe Suicide Squad
DC Comics

Of all of the confirmed cast members, Pete Davidson - who has earned some plaudits in the past couple of years as a regular on Saturday Night Live - is about the strangest. He's done SOME acting, like in The Dirt on Netflix earlier in 2019, but it's not really something he's well-known for and the idea of him playing a legitimate threat of a supervillain is a bit... strange.

This IS a James Gunn movie, so not expecting strange would be silly, but it would make a lot more sense if Davidson was playing a mostly comedic side character. The same went for Ike Barinholtz in the first Suicide Squad and it would be tempting to suggest Davidson might be playing a key guard role or something similar.

Far better, though, is the suggestion that he could be playing Suicide Squad pilot Briscoe. He's actually one of the weirdest associates of the Squad and the idea of Davidson playing a deranged chopper pilot who talks to his helicopter - which he called Sheba after his dead daughter - and insists on sleeping inside it is actually a great shout.



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