The trailer is out there...

The X-Files 2: I Want to Believe trailer hits web!

I'm finding it hard to believe that Agent Mulder still can't quite grasp the supernatural. You would have thought that after all those endless hours of t.v. shows where some crazy fucked up shit took place and a pretty far out there movie a decade ago, he would have come to the realisation that weird things happen. He's lived through it - he doesn't need to believe no more.

Kind of an uneven trailer right here but I'm sure to anyone who was fans of the show, they have been titillated enough. And is just me or do you really not feel any chemistry between Duchonvy and Anderson - but I guess it was only a brief shot we saw of them talking together.Billy Connelly was kinda of distracting. He's running around like the memorable mad scientist that Brent Spiner played in Independence Day. At least this one won't be over staying it's welcome with a long run up to it's release. It opens July 25th and will soon be forgotten by September.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.