The Trial Of Chicago 7 Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs

7. Mark Rylance, Frank Langella & Sacha Baron Cohen Steal The Show

The Trial of the Chicago 7 Sacha Baron Cohen

The film undeniably boasts one of the year's most impressive ensemble casts - which we'll get to shortly - but it's first important to mention the three clear stand-outs among the cast.

Mark Rylance, who can always be relied upon to play a sturdy pillar of integrity, is terrific as the Seven's wise defense lawyer William Kunstler, who over the course of the film transforms from restrained and respectful to fire-spitting when the time calls for it.

Frank Langella also gives his best performance in years as the case's dubiously competent judge Julius Hoffman, yet rather than make such a ridicule-worthy figure a mere caricature, he brings scarce human believability to a deeply frustrating man.

But most of the chatter - and indeed, the awards buzz - will be around Sacha Baron Cohen, who frequently steals scenes as the back-talking motormouth defendant Abbie Hoffman.

Though serving somewhat as the film's comic relief, it's still a very different role for Cohen, and one he executes with serious dramatic aplomb. Consider him a major Best Supporting Actor contender moving forward.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.