The Wolverine: 10 Ways It Shreds X-Men Origins To Pieces

2. Visual Effects

The Wolverine Origins was unfortunate enough to receive a lot of pre-release flak after a workprint of the film was leaked online a few weeks early, citing not only the narrative problems but also the risible visual effects throughout. However, we all expected that while the film might suck as a whole, surely the effects would be cleaned up for the final cut...but oh, how wrong we were. As anyone who has seen clips of the workprint can tell you, many of the awful effects appear in the final cut in exactly the same capacity, making it clear that many of these effects had been "locked" prior to the print being leaked. The Wolverine, however, is a far more stable beast despite being made on a budget of "only" around $100 million, having clearly reigned in the excesses and essentially being a far tighter-run ship. From the fight atop a train to the shedding effects of the Viper to the climactic Silver Samurai battle, it all sizzles and pops with the necessary flair, giving no indication that it cost even a cent less than the execrable prior outing.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]