"They can't close us down, we are pirates!" - Much improved THE BOAT THAT ROCKED trailer!

Much better. I'm now of the opinion that the first trailer we saw towards the back end of last year was rushed to get some kind of advertising promotion out for the movie for the Christmas film audience. Now, with the required time and patience they have crafted a trailer for Richard Curtis' new movie THE BOAT THAT ROCKED that lives up to the film's awesome cast and concept. Universal have released a lengthier trailer below which clearly shows us much more of the tone of the film and I love it. I can't help but be teased to want to see more Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Bill Nighy...

The movie opens in early April in the U.K. Still no U.S. date guys, which really sucks. I wanna see THE BOAT THAT ROCKED take over the world! source - first showing

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.