THOR 2 Gets Re-Write From Saving Private Ryan Scribe

Robert Rodat to re-write the Thor sequel which goes into production this summer.

After recently swapping director Patty Jenkins for Games of Thrones helmer Alan Taylor on Thor 2, Marvel Studios have now hired Oscar nominated Saving Private Ryan screenwriter Robert Road to re-write the sequel to suit his vision. Rodat, whose only movie since Ryan was 2000's The Patriot (though most recently he has worked on television series Falling Skies), takes over the initial draft from Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer scribe Don Payne, who also worked on the original film's screenplay. Going into production this summer, Thor 2 will star Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder with Tom Hiddleston (as Loki), Anthony Hopkins (as Odin) and Natalie Portman (as Jane Foster). The film will be set after the events of this summer's The Avengers and will be released November 15th, 2013. Marvel head honcho and studio president Kevin Feige said of the story previously;
€œ take Thor literally to other worlds€ primarily be the journey of that character, of he and Jane Foster and how the new dynamic with his father is working out, as well as what are the broader stakes for The Nine Worlds.€
The Avengers opens May 4th, 2012.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.