If Marvel ever have the opportunity to save money... you can damn well sure know they are going to take it. In what appears to be one of their swiftest hirings in years (did you hear any director shortlists on this one??) -
Variety say Marvel have set Game of Thrones and Broadwalk T.V. helmer
Brian Kirk to the task of delivering a
Thor sequel for July 26th, 2013. The director is in 'early talks' with Disney/Marvel but as if he is going to turn his career making gig? It's said Kirk got the job because of his ability to successfully handle large casts and keep complex storylines interesting (he has also helmed episodes of The Tudors) and I imagine that is probably a vital thing because Thor will be following on not only from it's own movie but also The Avengers and the events of Iron Man 3. Also Thor 2 will be used as an early building blocks film for The Avengers 2. Marvel presumably also got excited about his potential after working on a bunch of popular shows and after weighing up the odds, decided it was worth taking the risk on a first time feature filmmaker (well not quite true.... he did
direct this film.... but history has almost erased it) over a more studied name who would cost a few more pennies. Nobody could have predicted the movie to hire him.... but sometimes in Hollywood it's better the devil you don't know. Kirk now has the job of following on from
Kenneth Branagh's rather over-the-top in tone (slanty angles much?) but a rather mediocre and limited vision of Asgard and Thor's first journey to Earth.
We called for a visionary in our previous article and although there's plenty of atmosphere and wonder in the fantasy show Game of Thrones, it's now time for him to show us what he has got. Though if we are being honest, we are still terrified that
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer writer
Don Payne is being let loose with the script.... any seasoned vet would probably have trouble with that.
P.S. - Variety say there was a director shortlist (though we didn't hear about one?) that did include
Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods),
James McTeigue (Ninja Assassin, V For Vendetta),
Noam Murro (Smart People, recently tasked with the 300 prequel) and
Breck Eisner (The Crazies). Yup... with the exception of Goddard... better the devil you don't know indeed.