7. Beating Up Hospital Staff
Upon waking up in an Earth hospital, Thor responds like a total douche. He attacks the nurses, throws a doctor into a wall, destroys a lot of expensive-looking equipment and beats up two security guards, all the while spouting terrible one-liners such as 'You dare attack Odin's son!' He is finally pinned to the door, whereupon someone pulls down his pants and sticks a needle into his (rather gorgeous, I'll admit it) bottom. He passes out halfway through saying, 'You're no match for the mighty...' Night, night, oh mighty one. Later, Jane and Dr. Selvig pass the clearly trashed room, where the poor hospital staff are trying to put things back together, proving yet again that it certainly isn't Thor who cleans up his own mess.Even after he's had a change of heart and realised he might have been a bit of a d*ck before, Thor doesn't think to got back and say sorry to everyone he's hurt. So even when he's 'nice' he's pretty much still a self-absorbed d*ck.