Thor: Love And Thunder - 10 Things You Need To Know About Christian Bale's Gorr The God Butcher

1. He Made Thor Unworthy

Gorr the God Butcher
Marvel Comics/Olivier Coipel

Gorr explained to Thor (while bashing him in the face) that his genocidal mission was noble since all gods don't really care about the mortals they are sworn to protect. After the God of Thunder defeated Gorr, he spoke to the Unseen, an entity who chronicles all events connected to Earth, about the God Butcher's words.

The Unseen then said the three most terrifying words Thor ever heard; "Gorr was right." Because the Unseen can only speak the truth, Thor was rattled after acknowledging that his own kind were selfish. This devastated Thor's self-confidence so badly, he was no longer capable of lifting his enchanted weapon, Mjolnir. Losing his power and title, the former Thor took on the name, Odinson. When Malekith cleaved his arm from his body, the founding Avenger fell into further despair. In the thousands of years of safeguarding the cosmos, never had the mighty Thor fallen so far.

Even though Thor ultimately defeated Gorr, the God Butcher was the first person to make the ex-God of Thunder feel unworthy. Interestingly, this chain of events is what led to Thor's old flame, Jane Foster, becoming the Mighty Thor as well as the new herald of Mjolnir.


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