Thor: Love And Thunder - 10 Things You Need To Know About Christian Bale's Gorr The God Butcher

4. He Has A Doomsday Device

Gorr the God Butcher

After dedicating 3,000 years to deicide, Gorr still wasn't close to wiping out every self-proclaimed immortal in the cosmos. For all his might, the gods were simply too numerous for him to hunt and kill every single one of them.

Gorr realised he was thinking too small and he needed to find a way to kill every divine being at the same time. When he stumbled upon the God of Bombs, Shadrak, Gorr ordered him to build a doomsday device called the Godbomb that would simultaneously obliterate every godly entity in the past, present and future. Despite his talent for destruction, Shadrak had no intention of constructing such a device for Gorr. But after the Butcher cut off his eyelids and forced him to watch other gods being dissected, Shadrak relented.

After Thor successfully defused the Godbomb, Shadrak abandoned his mantle as the God of Bombs and took on the name the God of Daffodils and Documentation (although he also likes being known as the God of Kittens, Coconuts, and Somersaults). Shadrak now works in a library in Omnipotence City that archives the exploits of every catalogued deity. Unsurprisingly, Shadrak regularly reads the books dedicated to Thor.


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