Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Huge Spoilers From The Comic Con Trailer

8. Heimdall Is Removed

Thor Ragnarok Hela Skurge
Marvel Studios

The shot of Keith Urban's Skurge and Hela appears to be no more than an establishing shot, putting the villains together for a nice little frame, but it actually says a lot more in its background.

Look closely and you'll notice that Heimdall's sword remains in place at the end of the Rainbow Bridge. If Skurge and Hela are there and his sword is sheathed, it makes sense that Heimdall has been taken out of the equation entirely by this point. He'd have to be to allow this pose to even happen.

So why would she remove Heimdall? Well, so she can control the Bifrost. The trailer also shows a colourful sequence featuring Thor, Loki and Hela all travelling through the Bifrost, probably with the villainess causing the brothers to fall out and lose their ability to travel using it any more.

Thor Ragnarok Hela Bifrost
Marvel Studios

You'd have to suspect that this comes after Thor and Loki travel to New York to find Odin (where they meet Doctor Strange), and Hela chases them to stop them bringing back the only character who can stop her.

Incidentally, Heimdall does appear in the trailer, but it looks suspiciously like the forest-set sequence that has now been briefly shown in both trailers is in fact a flash-back. That definitely looks like a young Fandral with him, after all...

Thor Ragnarok Heimdall Fandral
Marvel Studios

That still doesn't explain where he disappears to though.


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