Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Questions We Still Have

4. Is Hela In League With Thanos?

Thor Ragnarok Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

In Cate Blanchett's Hela, the Marvel Cinematic Universe finally has a villain to rival Loki, so surely they're going to try and get some decent mileage out of her.

A question on many fans' lips is whether Hela will be returning for Avengers: Infinity War, like virtually every other character in the MCU.

The stage is set for her to serve as the Infinity War's personification of death, the character Thanos is hellbent on courting. Looking at the movie's IMDB page, nobody appears to have been cast in this role, so having Blanchett fulfil it is killing two birds with one stone, something Hela probably did for fun during her childhood.

This begs the question of whether Hela will secretly be in league with the Mad Titan in Ragnarok. Thanos wants to get his hands on the Infinity Stones, and one of them happens to be locked up in Odin's vault.

Could the goddess of death hand the gem over to the cosmic baddie during the events of the Thor sequel, perhaps in its post-credits scene? Or will this occur in Infinity War? Would it even be in her interest to do that?


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