Thor: Ragnarok - 12 Major Reveals From The New Images

1. Hela Looks Surprisingly Grounded

Thor Ragnarok Hela
Marvel Studios/EW

If you didn't know, how many people could really 100% say they recognised Cate Blanchett as Hela?

Her casting is astonishingly good, not just because she's a hell of an actor, but also because she has a great look for these ethereal roles: at once innocent but with dark depth (hence her fittingness for Galadriel). And in these images she looks almost ageless, which is a great look for a near-immortal.

Unless of course this is from a flash-back that establishes how she ends up locked away?

The feature reveals something of Hela's circumstances, as Blancett says:

“She’s been locked away for millennia getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she gets unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box.”

Given what we know of the narrative - specifically that Thor and Loki team up to find Odin - you'd have to assume that the All Father was responsible for locking her away. No prizes for guessing it's probably Loki who sets her free, unless she was a prisoner of the Elders Of The Universe (of which Grandmaster is a member) and Thor's actions escaping from Sakaar lead to her freedom?

Either way, it's exciting to see what she brings to the role.

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