Thor: Ragnarok - 20 WTF Moments

18. Shady Acres

Ace Ventura Shady Acres
Warner Bros.

When Thor discovers that Loki has confunded Odin and hidden him on Earth, the strangest thing about it is that it's also revealed that he chose to hide him in Shady Acres retirement home. It's named in honour of the psychiatric hospital Ace Ventura visits when he's trying to find Ray Finkel (which is in itself named after producer Tom Shadyac).

It's also the name of the retirement home in Happy Gilmore, as well as a couple of other pop culture examples. It's a nice little Easter Egg for obscure reference spotters, but it's weird to think that Taika Waititi would pay homage to those movies.

Incidentally, it's also a little unclear why Odin then chooses not to just go home or find Thor when Shady Acres is destroyed, but that was pretty necessary for the plot, so let's allow it.


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