Thor: Ragnarok - 26 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

5. Skurge's Death

Thor ragnarok Skurge Guns
Marvel Studios

Skurge is not the greatest MCU character yet introduced even though he works on paper and Karl Urban was great casting. The problem is that he goes for a terrible British accent and it fails horribly, while his motivation is a little undercooked too.

But his story is ripped straight out of the comics. He was manipulated into being the Enchantress' servant (and lackey), before eventually a moment of self-realisation inspired a heroic about-turn in The Mighty Thor #362, which saw him take a last stand to help Thor and his fellow Asgardians escape Hel.

The image of him dual wielding M16s is a direct redo of his last stand at Gjallerbru from that comic.

Skurge Comics
Marvel Comics

In the comics, he's known as Skurge The Executioner, and he gets the nickname midway through the film as Hela charges him with executing anyone who doesn't give up the location of Heimdall's rebels.


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