Thor Ragnarok Trailer Breakdown: 23 Things You Must See

21. Introducing The Next Big Thing In Villainy

Thor Ragnarok Hela
Marvel Studios

Meet Hela, the most powerful emo in the MCU. As well as loving eye shadow a little too much, she's the Norse goddess of death, and the ruler of Niflheim and Hel.

She has always traditionally had ambitions for expansion into Valhalla and Asgard in the comics, which has brought her into conflict with Thor and Odin. It's always been the All-Father who has dealt with her, but since Loki messed with him in The Dark World somehow, the gateway is open once she finds herself free. It looks like we might get a cheeky shot of that too...

Thor Ragnarok Hela Body
Marvel Studios

Worryingly for Thor- since she's able to hold Mjolnir - she's either worthy, or so powerful that worthiness as a concept doesn't even matter. That's arguably even more terrifying. They're going to need Odin - hence the road-trip to NYC that includes the visit to Doctor Strange.

Incidentally, this whole "villain catches the cool artefact" thing isn't new...

Winter Soldier Shield
Marvel Studios

Meanwhile, there's also a lovely little Easter Egg reference to Hunt For The Wilderpeople in that Skux Life graffiti behind Thor...

Thor Ragnarok Skux Life
Marvel Studios

In Wilderpeople, Ricky Baker - played by Julian Dennison - is a rap fan and wannabe "gangster" - including having a dog called Tupac. He uses the phrase: "I didn't choose the Skux life, the Skux life chose me" as a sort of mantra. Skux Life is basically the New Zealand version of Thug Life. Nice work.


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