Thor Ragnarok Trailer Breakdown: 23 Things You Must See

18. Asgard Is Dead

Thor ragnarok Hela Asgard Army
Marvel Studios

When she returns from whatever prison Odin traps her in (we know this from the official character details that have been announced).

“Asgard is dead,” she says, linking back to the “Ragnarok” comics (since it concentrates on the death of the Asgardian gods) in which Thor's death was immediately followed by the Asgardians being killed off. Seemingly Hela will be the one wielding the sword this time, rather than simply inspiring it to happen by killing Balder.

She couldn't look more of a bad-ass...

Thor Ragnarok Hela
Marvel Studios

It's almost a exact replica of the earl concept art, albeit minus the flying ships, which is a shame.

Thor Ragnarok Concept

And she's not kidding, it is definitely dead, with a nice Terminator 2 style burn-out scene. You really have to wonder where Loki is at this stage.

Thor Ragnarok Asgard Is Dead
Marvel Studios

The intriguing question here is whether this destruction of Asgard is what lands him in Hel. Does he "die" in this devastation? It certainly doesn't look good, considering he's being burned to a crisp. Or maybe he's fighting Surtur here?

Thor ragnarok Thor fire
Marvel Studios

Unless this is no more than a vision?


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