Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

1. Hulk DOES Smash

Thor Ragnarok Hulk Smash
Marvel Studios

Given how well the marketing campaign so far has played with the idea that Thor and Hulk might never actually come to blows in the Sakaarian arena (mostly thanks to that confusing shot of Bruce Banner and Thor joyfully embracing), it actually comes as a surprise that the teaser shows them legitimately throwing down.

We can now all rest assured that the biggest selling point of the movie since it was announced that Planet Hulk was at least partly being adapted - the clash of the nearest things the Avengers have to real Gods - is actually going to happen. We will get the fight of the century - presumably because Hulk still doesn't like Thor as much as Thor likes Bruce.

It's still inevitable that they will team up to escape Sakaar, but knowing that we're going to get a monstrous fight sequence between the pair is almost worth blindly boarding the hype train for now.

What did you think of the first Thor: Ragnarok trailer? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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