Tim Roth: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Jeremy - The Last Sign (2005)

Tim Roth Is A Ghost "Andie MacDowell portrays a woman who is tormented by the ghost of her abusive, alcoholic husband. She must come to terms with the past if she is to find peace and love." If there were ever a plot synopsis for a movie designed to have everybody not wanting to watch it, that's the one. So try to ignore the fact that The Last Sign has barely been seen by anybody on Earth, that it stars Andie McDowell, and that it should be fired into the sun and forgotten about forever, and concentrate on the fact that our good friend Tim Roth is somehow involved. That alcoholic mentioned in the synopsis? That's Roth. What, exactly, convinced him to do this film? It's so average in every way (and below average in so many others) that he must've owed somebody a favour or something - there's no other explanation as to why he'd appear in a film so depressingly low-rent. How does he fare as the ghost, you're wondering? Not very well, actually. Roth plays his role of Jeremy in what can only be described as a "sleep-induced haze." And not because he's cast as a ghost, but because he doesn't give a sh*t.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.