Titanic Movie Quiz: How Well Do You Remember?

"...with all due respect Miss, I’m not the one hanging off the back of a ship here"

Titanic Ship Ocean.jpg
20th Century Fox

In 1912 the RMS Titanic set sail for New York(US) from Southampton(UK), but unfortunately struck an Iceberg and never made it. The loss of life was large due to the freezing temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and the lack of life boats.

James Cameron brought this story to the big screen in 1997 with massive success. It tied with "All about Eve (1950)" for the most nominations and won 11 Oscars. This meant that it tied with "Ben Hur (1959)" for the most Oscars ever won by a single movie. Cameron will have breathed a heavy sigh of relief considering it was the most expensive movie made, with a budget of $200 million.

How well do you remember this epic tragedy about the boat once labeled unsinkable?

Answers at the end!

1. What Card Hand Did Jack Win With That Got Him Tickets For The Titanic?

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