Vulture says before
Guillermo Del Toro found his rosebud this week, his treatment for a new
Van Helsing movie at Universal had surprisingly caught the attention of
Tom Cruise, who was reportedly set to produce and potentially star. I say surprisingly, but then we all know Cruise is desperate to win a place back in the hearts and minds of the public , and what better way to achieve that than to add the large tweeny vampire group to your box office figures? It's said Del Toro has now left the action horror story, but his short treatment stays in tact and Universal/Cruise are on the hunt for a writer/director who can move forward on the film. Presumably it will still be produced by del Toro productions, as we can't imagine he has fallen out with the studio as they have just fronted $130 million for his ambitious horror tentpole
At The Mountains of Madness. Of course it's possible Cruise is circling the Vampire Hunter role, but we think he is going after The Great Undead, his first fanged character since
Interview With A Vampire 15 years ago.