Despite all the controversy that surrounded the release of The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) last year, writer director
Tom Six is still pushing ahead with plans to make the third part of his proposed trilogy. With a script already in place, financing organised and original leading man
Dieter Laser confirmed to return, Six will begin production on
The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) in the United States this Spring. Taking to
Twitter to tease whats in store, Six said;
"#humancentipede3 will have a 500+ person pede. XXXXL American style!"
He also used the site earlier this week to give details of the up-coming auditions for leading ladies, saying;
The actress for #humancentipede3 has got to have huge balls like beautiful @ashlynnyennie @ACWactress @emma_lock and @TemplarKat"

Speaking to
Indiewire late last year, Six revealed that the third film would begin where the second finished. His overall plan being that on the conclusion of the final film, all three parts could be connected together, like a centipede, to create one four and a half hour film. As yet, there is no word as to whether Part III will be shot in black and white like Part II or whether we can expect to see blood and faeces in full colour this time around.

The real question though, is does anybody really want to see another Human Centipede film? The
second was deemed so extreme it came close to contravening the Obscene Publications Act by the BBFC
forcing 32 cuts to be made for a UK release. However, Six seems determined to keep pushing the boundaries purely for shock value but is that really enough to justify another episode? Let us know your thoughts.