Top 10 Orphans on Film

3. Luke Skywalker

Luke may have a had a living father all along but he didn't know that and he sure didn't play much of a part in his upbringing. It was a bit of shock when he found out, too. Background Luke's Mother dies giving birth to him and his twin sister, Leia, and they are both bundled off to secret locations to protect them from their now evil father, Darth Vader. Luke grows up on the twin-sunned planet Tatooine and is raised by his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. After some driods turn up at the moisture farm they all live on things go badly for Owen and Beru leaving Luke orphaned again. So he decides to go to a cantina bar with his old friend Ben. Importance of being orphaned Although Luke doesn't seem to dwell on it too much it's obvious he wants to know more about his father and is pretty angry about Darth Vader killing him and then even angrier when it turns out Darth Vader is him (spoilers!). No 'best Dad in the world' mug for Vader then. Luke's Daddy issues are a pretty huge part of the story and the scene where he discovers the truth is a classic. Companions He's got a pretty tight group of mates but you've got to recognize the droids, R2-D2 & C-3PO, as filling this role specifically.
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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.