Top 10 Stop-Motion Scenes of All Time

6. Moonwalker (1988)

The Speed Demon Scene: The tag line for Moonwalker is 'A Movie like no other!' it should also say 'Strap Yourself In' because it really is a bizarre, brilliant and boogie inducing film like...well, like no other. Which other film starts with a retrospective of music videos, takes you on a roller-coaster ride through a Peter Pan-like mind and then has a child napping plot with Jo Pesci and John Lennon's son? It's a giddying undertaking that blows you away with the sheer scale of what's stuffed into ninety minutes, especially the Smooth Criminal leaning dance. The Speed Demon scene however fuses 80's California Raisins style claymation with that old musical chestnut, a dance off! It's just so weird and wonderful to see MJ going toe-to-toe with a big rabbit and it's done so well even now it wipes the floor with a lot of CGI creations interacting with actors. Shamone indeed.
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