3. Abed's Uncontrollable Xmas (Community Season Two 2010)
Christmas Pterodactyl Scene: What says Christmas better than stop-motion? OK so it's not the most intricately designed stop-motion animation ever but the way it completely captures the cast and the sheer enjoyment factor of the show is sublime. Also it's one of the reasons why we all love Community, the skillful tips of the hat to film & television tropes and the way it executes them perfectly. This is no different, with homages to a plethora of Christmas films that give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside it ticks all the boxes. The scene which stands out has to be the use of a remote-controlled Christmas Pterodactyl to get rid of a baby doll Shirley, it's just a lovely thing to see silicone models do to each other. In the second season there are many wonderful suprise episodes like this where your love for the cast and the zany dynamic of the show allows it to go into completely inspired comedy territory and makes you laugh all the more for it. A wonderful episode of a great show and one that brings stop-motion into the narrative, as well as having the cutest Chevy Chase teddy bear, who wouldn't want to unwrap that on Christmas Day?