Top 20 Iconic Moments in Sci-Fi Films

7. The Introduction of the Borg Queen (Star Trek: First Contact, 1996) Roger Ebert said of the Borg Queen, €œ looks like no notion of sexy I have ever heard of, but inspires me to keep an open mind.€ Her appearance on screen, as she gets assembled from various body parts and then has her head and spinal column dropped into the body, is a very creepy, unsettling and, at least for some people, a vaguely€€œuplifting€ sequence. It is also certainly very memorable.

6. Ripley Saves The Day (Aliens, 1986) €œGet away from her, you bitch!€ With that snarl, Ellen Ripley is fully, firmly established as the action heroine. She€™s strong, she€™s tough, and she€™s there to save her surrogate daughter (since she couldn€™t be there for her real daughter). When she comes through the door in the power armor and confronts the Queen, it€™s on. Click "next" below to read the next entry...
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at