As the 23rd Bond film, Skyfall hits our UK cinema screens, marking the franchise's 50th anniversary, here is a chance to check out the top five most gorgeous and stylish Bond girls that have set cinema alight.
5. Sophie Marceau

Starring as Electra King in The World is Not Enough, Sophie Marceau plays a beautiful, sophisticated and elegant role. MI5 and 007 are drawn in to this mysterious woman and Bond is ordered by M to protect the daughter of Robert King, an old university friend. Bond and Electra form an intimate relationship, before Bond has to leave for the Middle East. However, her dark past and death of her father has turned Electra into a twisted and evil character, as she plans the death of millions, in return for her personal ambitions of dominating the oil and pipeline industry. The French born actress was the first female Bond villain ,and will live on as one of the most stylish and sexy Bond girls, due to her fascinating character, beautiful looks and impact in the film - she will be long-remembered.
4. Honor Blackman

One of the most famous Bond Girls to hit the screens, Honor Blackman plays Pussy Galore in the infamous Bond film, GoldFinger. Pussy Galore plays the personal pilot for the villain, Auric Goldfinger, and has a special dislike for men, however, she is soon charmed by 007 as they become romantically involved in the famous horse stable scene. She eventually converts to the good side, as she thwarts Goldfingers evil plan. This beautiful and strong-minded woman makes number four in this list due to her charisma, tenaciousness, and stunning beauty. Her characters name also caused lots of controversy when the movie was released in 1964. Her role with live on in the hearts of true Bond fans forever.
3. Eva Green

Eva Green, who plays Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale is one of the most influential Bond girls to date. Played with intelligence and style, the French actress is only one of two Bond girls who James Bond actually falls in love with. After assisting 007 in his mission to bankrupt Le Chiffre at a poker table in Montenegro, sparks begin to fly as their relationship blossoms, and Bond actually names his famous shaken, not stirred drink after her. The murder of Vesper Lynd, leads to a heartbroken Bond, ultimately turning him into the super spy misogynist that he is known for today. As well as her powerful influence over Bond, her character also does a good job of being classy, vulnerable, and beautiful, especially when assisting Bond in the casino scene in Montenegro. This is why she is up there as the number 3 Bond girl.
2. Barbara Bach

At number 2 is Barbara Bach, who plays Major Anya Amasova in The Spy Who Loved Me. Not only is Amasova one of the most beautiful Bond girls, she is also the start of a new revolution of Bond girl. Unlike the timid and helpless side-kicks Bond is usually associated with, Amasova is a KGB agent, who is as much at ease fighting in the sahara, as well as going on missions with Bond. After Bond kills her lover, she seeks revenge over Bond, before succumbing to James Bonds charm and eventually falling in love with him. Barbara Bach, who married Ringo Starr in 1981, became an international sex symbol after her role as a Russian Spy in The Spy Who Loved Me. Her stunning and exotic looks, as well as introducing the new era of Bond girl, makes her the runner-up Bond Girl.
1. Ursula Andress
And the top spot goes to Ursula Andress, in her infamous role as Honey Rider in Dr No. Her notorious walk out of the sea in her iconic white bikini remains one of the most popular scenes in cinema and is regarded as the most classic James Bond moment to date. As she was the first Bond girl, she became a classic pin-up girl, ruling the imagination of men around the world. Her seductive and beautiful character in the first ever bond, makes her a true screen goddess and a deserved no.1 in the all-time top Bond girls. This article has been provided by 4Music (www.4music.com) a site that covers the hottest artists around right now, music chart, music video clips/interviews, celebrity and
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