ANONYMOUS Review: Doesn't Question Whether Shakespeare Is A Fraud But Insists
Certainly the film has some historical hiccups and it’s not exactly the strongest script you’ve ever seen however, what we are faced with here is Mr Emmerich’s first genuinely good, solid film.

rating: 3.5
(Our Toronto 2011 film festival review re-posted as Anonymous is released in cinema's today) Ive spent the last several minutes battling on how exactly to start this review. Youve already seen the numerical value awarded to it because it sits stubbornly at the top of the page so you know its actually positive, so theres no sense trying to lull you into a false sense of security pretending its awful (Because otherwise, you would have been totally incapable of scrolling down to the bottom of the page without reading my diatribe). I suppose Ill just start like Roland Emmerich is the big budget Uwe Boll. There, I said it. Does it feel as good for you as it does for me? Well actually, in terms of movies Roland Emmerich makes big, loud, pointless and rubbish movies, (when your most critically praised film is The Patriot, you have a problem) however in terms of who he is hes (by all accounts) an incredibly decent human being and very respectable. But this isnt a review of his moral character this is a review of his latest film Anonymous. You may have seen examples of the advertising campaign for Anonymous with the posters adorned with the dramatic text: WAS SHAKESPEARE A FRAUD? You may be surprised to discover that the film never actually asks that question. Instead it just opts to tell you Yes. Yes he was a fraud. The film is actually a historical thriller about the end of Queen Elizabeths reign and the Cecils and their manipulation of the crown. The question about Shakespeare is never actually asked, just shown. William Shakespeare is portrayed as a loathsome oaf who cant even write and The Earl Of Oxford, Edward De Vere (Rhys Ifans) is seen giving him the plays. I personally dont have a problem with being duped about the nature of the plot, but just a warning, some of you may be caught off guard.