Toy Story 4: 19 Easter Eggs & References Explained
2. Pixar Employees
Pixar has a habit of paying tribute to their own employees in their movies, and Toy Story 4 is certainly no exception.
In the movie's end credits montage, the carnival moves on to a town called New Stanton, which is clearly a tip of the hat to Finding Nemo and WALL-E director (and Toy Story writer) Andrew Stanton.
Pixar's former Chief Technical Officer Ed Catmull is also immortalised with an advertisement for "Catmull's Cream Soda" outside the antiques shop, while Woody leaps onto a typewriter in one scene with the name "Bullock", undeniably a nod to Pixar's resident assistant editor Torbin Xan Bullock.
Finally, there's the Papa Rivera's Pure Pork Lard, paying tribute to the film's producer, Jonas Rivera.