With Halloween approaching, Pixar's terrific Toy Story short Toy Story Of Terror has now screened on both sides of the Atlantic - last week in America, and now on Sky Demand in the UK, and it is another triumph for the the animation studio who have had very few low-points. The film, which runs just 21 and a half minutes long, is smartly written, brilliantly executed (that's what more than 2 years of development will do for you) and most importantly, it is stuffed to bursting with Easter Eggs, in-jokes and references. Typically, there is some currency in discovering Pixar Easter Eggs, and they've made it particularly hard to find their work this time, making us all work for the rewards, but we've now watched and rewatched the film, and we can now, happily present about as definitive an Easter Egg guide to the film as you are likely to find.
H0nourable Mention
The LEGO Homage
Toy Story fans have long clamoured for a LEGO character to appear in the Toy Story universe, and they've finally got their wish, thanks to the LEGO bunny who helps Combat Carl lead an escape attempt out of the motel's backroom. The inclusion is said to be in homage to director Angus MacLane, a self-confessed LEGO fan, whose Flickr account is packed with self-build love, including the design of the bunny himself, who appears to have been made by the director.