Trades confirm Zombie's H2 (because HALLOWEEN 2 is such a lame title)

You know as bad as ROB ZOMBIE'S HALLOWEEN was, outside of John Carpenter he delivered a more effective slasher film (i.e. everything that dealt with the shape) than any of the countless sequels over the past three decades. So I'm not going to rip him to shreds about helming a sequel. I think he has a good HALLOWEN-esque movie in him and now free from the shackles of Carpenter's vision (which he never had a chance in matching anyway) he might be able to deliver something really good. Though Variety tell me it will be titled H2... which well, can any movie titled that really be good? At least it's coming out in October this time though, that's something at least for a movie about a killer who murders on Halloween night!


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.