Trailer: GREEN HORNET is a spoofy let-down
The trailer for The Green Hornet (January, Sony) has debuted online and a collective groan has spread around the Internet community. As a lot of us feared - the movie belongs to 'the school of Judd Apatow' and it's less a picture from the genius mind of Michel Gondry and more a silly, goofy, parody from the creators of Superbad. Eugh - kind of boring, no? Sony have no faith in the movie, and after talk of re-shoots being ordered after the disastrous first studio screening, and more than one major release delay, it's sure starting to feel like The Wolf Man all over again. From the evidence presented above, I'm now more skeptical than ever as to whether Seth Rogen is up to the task of playing the 'serious' aspects of the lead character, and the whole funeral, 'dead dad' stuff looks like it may have stretched his chops too far. I like the dude as much as anyone but even after dropping a shed load of weight, he's still playing Britt Reid the same way he would have at his Pineapple Express weight, i.e. - the Seth Rogen persona. So why bother even changing his look? His performance is not Adam West, 60's style camp, but it's certainly verges on parody over action hero. And with hisbox office reach now under much scrutiny (Observe & Report, Funny People didn't perform), I fear for The Green Hornet at this point.
Also, it took them six months to find an actor to play the sidekick Kato but on this evidence... they should have kept searching. Taiwanese musician, actor, director, just general Asian megastar Jay Chou barely seems to register what the actors are saying to him, his grasp of the English-language is so poor. His line delivery is embarrassing and his reaction shots are awful... I hope these scenes aren't his best work. And the trailer severely needed more of this guy...
Too harsh, too soon? Probably. I just feel slightly duped by Rogen's comments over the past two years that The Green Hornet wasn't going to be his typical movie and most certainly wasn't a spoof of the universe, when really, it actually is. And where's the director of Eternal Sunshine and The Science of Sleep? He's missing here and seeing him watered down is depressing.